Done-for-You Seminars for Loan Officers

Every course we create is made with Realtor relationships in mind. Each full presentation package comes with:

  • PowerPoint presentation
  • Seminar Handouts
  • 3 Seminar Flyers (PDF, DOC & PPT)
  • Facebook Event Header
  • Facebook Messenger Invite
  • Email Invites and Reminders
  • Thank You Email
  • Seminar Survey Form
  • Facebook Ad
  • Twitter Invite
  • LinkedIn Invite
  • Phone Script to Invite
  • Promo Video with Professional Voice Over
  • Instagram Video
  • John Thomas Teaching Class (Video)
  • MP3 Audio of the Live Seminar

Full Seminar Presentation Packages

These courses will prepare Agents by teaching many overlooked and essential modern techniques and practices. We split these courses into Business Building, Lead Generation and Marketing, Mortgage Training, Social Media Boot Camp, and Consumer Classes.

Business Planning Courses

There’s no such thing as a business that can’t grow. Use these courses to give agents the tools and knowledge they need to create thriving and success-driven real estate businesses.

Business Planning for Realtors

Will your business survive another year? That depends on how well you plan! Give Realtors a detailed look inside writing and executing a business plan that covers their entire year.  This is a great presentation to give jittery realtors who need some stability in their business. You are the answer!

Mid-Year Review

An important step to take in building a rock-solid business is executing a mid-year review. This is where you’ll gauge the effectiveness of your marketing and business plans, evaluate your team, and come up with plans for further growth.

World Class Buyer Presentation

Here’s a stat agents need to know: 66% of buyers work with the first Realtor they MEET with and CONNECT with in person. That means the key to maximizing conversions is in meeting first and making a lasting impression on potential buyers. Many Realtors are showing presentations that leave too much to be desired – that’s where you come in. Teach local agents how to wow their buyers and they will return the favor with referrals and leads.

Counting the Money

Keeping track of your business’s income can be a lot to handle. This is especially true for solo real estate agents and small agencies. Still, you’re setting yourself up to lose money instead of making it if you don’t follow some key financial rules.

Work Smarter Not Harder

The growth of your business depends on how productive you can be daily. There’s so much to do to make sure your real estate business isn’t sinking – prospecting, online marketing, maintaining a healthy database. When you get overwhelmed, your business will change for the worst. So how do you work smarter, not harder?

​This seminar was created to help you manage your time and efforts wisely.

Time Management for Realtors

Keeping track of your business’s income can be a lot to handle. This is especially true for solo real estate agents and small agencies. Still, you’re setting yourself up to lose money instead of making it if you don’t follow some key financial rules.

Doctor/Nurse for Realtors

What’s the best word an overworked business owner can hear?


This presentation will go over why your attendees need to get a team, create a solid system of delegation and planning, and do it NOW!

Tax Act of 2018

2018 brought a number of new tax laws. In this presentation, we focus on the most important changes for Realtors and Homeowners. These updates will affect the way agents do their taxes and what they need to tell their clients. Getting them this information will not only help their business but it will help them keep track of their personal expenses.

Lead Gen and Marketing

Learn expert techniques to attract more leads, more often. These courses cover all you need to know to create a business that leads adore and appreciate.

Extreme Leads for Realtors

If you knew it was possible to generate 50 leads a month, would you do what it took to make it happen? Of course! Generating those leads takes work and skill, and many realtors simply don’t know where to start. I’m going to show you exactly how you can snag those leads by upgrading your daily and monthly practices and putting in the work.

Creating Raving Fans

What creates raving fans that want to spread the word about a business? It takes a dedication to your clients that stands above and beyond getting through the closing. Even after your clients have their keys in hand or home sold, you should continue to amaze them with your actions. Teach your attendees how to WOW everyone they come into contact with and get better referrals.

Marketing Planning for Realtors

Your marketing plan is a huge part of your business growth year to year. It’s also the key to ongoing success. That means you need to keep up a detailed marketing plan! Give Realtors a detailed look inside writing and executing a marketing plan that covers their entire year.

Building Your Online Presence

Your marketing plan is a huge part of your business growth year to year. It’s also the key to ongoing success. That means you need to keep up a detailed marketing plan! Give realtors a detailed look inside writing and executing a marketing plan that covers their entire year.

This is a great presentation to give jittery realtors who need some stability in their business. You are the answer!

Mining Your Database

Prospecting is time consuming – don’t waste your own time by gathering leads and abandoning them. Learn to fill and utilize your database for easy access to a wealth of available leads as you need them. Your CRM should your constant companion and this presentation will show you why.

Building Your Online Presence

Your marketing plan is a huge part of your business growth year to year. It’s also the key to ongoing success. That means you need to keep up a detailed marketing plan! Give realtors a detailed look inside writing and executing a marketing plan that covers their entire year.

This is a great presentation to give jittery realtors who need some stability in their business. You are the answer!

Video Marketing for Realtors

Video is everything in this digital day and age. In fact, video is one of the top ways to boost conversion, sales, and get the word out about your Real Estate business. Teaching agents in your area how to market their business with affordable and easy-to-learn tools and tips will set you as an asset to any professional. Help agents build an audience and keep a steady pool of leads and they will work with you for years to come.

Parties for Profit

Your marketing plan is a huge part of your business growth year to year. It’s also the key to ongoing success. That means you need to keep up a detailed marketing plan! Give realtors a detailed look inside writing and executing a marketing plan that covers their entire year.

This is a great presentation to give jittery realtors who need some stability in their business. You are the answer!

Mortgage Training

Understanding financing and alternative options for financing will give you an outstanding advantage as a Realtor. These courses cover lesser known mortgage products and facts.

Non-QM Lending

Did you know that agents could close more deals every month by utilizing Non-QM Loans? These loans cover a new set of buyer profiles, including borrowers who are Self-Employed or dealing with lower credit scores. Encourage Realtors to attend your presentation to learn all about lending options they may not have considered before.

Renovation Lending

When it comes to renovation lending, the wealth of information available can be a handful. This presentation will help you learn about all the FHA 203k loan and the Fannie Mae HomeStyle Renovation loan and how it can help increase your business.

Mortgage 101: Realtor's Guide to Financing

The mortgage process often confuses agents and home buyers. Put yourself at the forefront of agents in your area by providing clear and in-depth instructions on basic mortgage requirements, types of loans available, steps in the approval process, and more. This presentation package goes over everything necessary to get your attendees more deals, and increase their loan approval rates and options.

Meet The Underwriter

This Event package will help you connect Realtors with expert underwriting knowledge in a dedicated Q & A. The entire focus of this event is the Underwriting Q & A, so get prepared to answer the hard questions and set yourself apart!

Meet the Appraiser

Appraisals can seem like a confusing nightmare if you don’t know how they work. This event will give agents the opportunity to hear from an actual Appraiser and pick their brain. This should open up a great dialogue – teach them all about best practices for appeals, how improvements actually work, and how they should navigate the process for the best results.

Social Media Boot Camp

Learn techniques that work to attract Millennials on their favorite platforms. Start off with a crash course in attracting leads on Facebook.

Facebook for Realtors

Understanding social media selling tactics can be a great move for agents – be their trusted advisor by showing them the ropes. Give Realtors up to date information on social media that will get them one extra deal a month and consistent leads. From Facebook Groups best practices to Comment Farming (complete with actual scripts to use online), this presentation package will showcase your lead generation skills.

Instagram for Realtors

This seminar package is all about using Instagram to build an audience of leads. It goes over the basics of Instagram for Agents that are just starting out but also covers more advanced features and options. This will give your attendees a better understanding of hashtags, IG stories, IGTV and the many types of posts and engagement they can use to turn Instagram into a lead powerhouse.

LinkedIn for Realtors

Networking is one of the biggest organic lead tools in this day and age. Teach agents how to create an appealing and powerful presence on LinkedIn from start to finish. This seminar package is all about creating growth with LinkedIn – including little known best practices, profile setup, and going as far as ads and Company Pages. Your attendees will get a deeper understanding of the unique social marketing landscape of LinkedIn and how to get the biggest reward for their efforts.

Consumer Classes

Get expert information and tools to navigate your life and business.

Wealth Builder Workshop

There’s a huge difference between making money and building wealth. You can teach both Realtors and Consumers what that difference is with the Wealth Builder Workshop.

This is a Consumer-level workshop that includes invaluable knowledge on building actual wealth. From retirement to savings plans to investing, teach consumers actual actionable steps to wealth.

Client Appreciation Events

Clients can be hard to keep track of, especially once business is said and done. Client appreciation events help you stay in touch in a way that is fun and memorable. Even if you only have one a season, a client appreciation event can keep you top of mind, and make you the go-to recommendation for agents.

These events are designed to be fun and attract more than just your past clients. Build a tribe and stand out!

This first edition of the Client Appreciation Event includes four starter events: Pumpkin Patch Party, Cookies With Santa, Movie Night (Indoor and Outdoor), and Summer Barbecue.

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  • "Great lunch and learn today from your System on Extreme Leads for Realtors. 40 Realtors  RSVP'd and about 32 I think showed up. Super busy with a couple office presentations lined up from the seminar. Thanks John Thomas for your support and for providing this great system. Have the summer booked with lunch & learns.  Let's do this!"

    W. Shane TurnerW. Shane TurnerSupreme Lending Loan Officer
  • "I have always taught classes and held lunch and learns as part of my business, but still was very sporadic with my class schedule. It's very hard to come up with content, make it look professional, and then market it, too. John's system allows you to have a plug and play seminar system. When you become the teacher, you become the instant authority. Best way to provide value and way better than rate sheets and donuts! Photo of room full agents proves it!"
    Markita WoodsMarkita WoodsMortgage Broker (Queen of Mortgages)
  • "John Thomas, thank you! I did my first Lunch and Learn today and filled the entire room. I had 15 confirmed and 14 showed up. In December I'm going to try to put 30 in and extend the room. I also got a deal from a new realtor on the ride home."
    Keith GoeringerKeith GoeringerLoan Originator in Franklin, TN