LinkedIn for Realtors

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LinkedIn for Realtors

Networking is one of the biggest organic lead tools in this day and age. Teach agents how to create an appealing and powerful presence on LinkedIn from start to finish. This seminar package is all about creating growth with LinkedIn – including little known best practices, profile setup, and going as far as ads and Company Pages. Your attendees will get a deeper understanding of the unique social marketing landscape of LinkedIn and how to get the biggest reward for their efforts.

This presentation package includes:

– PowerPoint Presentation

– Seminar Handout

– 2 Flyers (PDF, WORD)

– Email templates (Invite and Thank You)

– Seminar Survey

– Scripts for Social Media (Twitter and LinkedIn) and Phone

– Promo Video

– Promo Video with Voice Over

– Instagram Promo Video

– Facebook Event Headers

– Facebook Event Description

– Facebook Messenger Invite

– Facebook Ad

– Audio File Download

– Three Bonus Handouts on LinkedIn