Meet The Underwriter

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    Meet The Underwriter

    The underwriting department is a significant part of the home buying journey. Every loan process is different, which can end in stressful situations for realtors and home buyers looking to get to the closing stage of their home buying journey. Loan processes even vary from buyer to buyer. How do you get through the underwriting stage stress-free?

    This Event package will help you connect Realtors with expert underwriting knowledge in a dedicated Q & A. The entire focus of this event is the Underwriting Q & A, so get prepared to answer the hard questions and set yourself apart!

    This is a ‘lighter’ package without a presentation included. This is also a perfect opportunity to make connections and build your business.

    This Event package is built around you or your chosen Underwriter and includes:

    – 3 Flyers (PPT, PDF, WORD)

    – Email templates for Invite and Thank You

    – Seminar Survey

    – Scripts for Social media and Phone (Twitter and LinkedIn)

    – Promo Video with Voice Over

    – Instagram Promo Video

    – Facebook Event Headers

    – Facebook Event Description

    – Facebook Messenger Invite