Non-QM Lending

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Non-QM Lending

Did you know that agents could close more deals every month by utilizing Non-QM Loans? These loans cover a new set of buyer profiles, including borrowers who are Self-Employed or dealing with lower credit scores. Encourage Realtors to attend your presentation to learn all about lending options they may not have considered before.

Non-QM Loans open up a direct route to nontraditional homebuyers and gives agents the means to get them in their dream homes.

This Presentation Package includes:

– 3 Flyers (PPT, PDF, WORD) – sized to 8×11

– Email templates for Invite and Thank You

– Seminar Survey

– Scripts for Social media and Phone (Twitter and LinkedIn)

– Promo Video with Voice Over

– Plain Promo Video

– Instagram Promo Video

– Facebook Event Headers

– Facebook Event Description

– Facebook Messenger Invite

– Mp3 Audio